Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sketchbook Assignment 1 - Prachi's submission

Hello all!!
I am from a non arts background, but love the things related to art, culture, and heritage.
I love dancing, singing, painting, craft, reading & writing since childhood. I have never gone through literals, history of painters (except the famous ones like Picasso and Leonardo DA Vinci, Plato)

Art is in the Nature

Art is in our culture

Art is in the nature, trees and plants, Mountains and Desserts, Oceans and Glaciers.

Art is in the Universe.

Our body, origin, every nerve, every cell of our body is an example of art.

Our Skin tones, Hair color, nails, eyes, nose, ears & every part of our body is a rare form of art, who nobody can create it even though he or she is a great Artist. Every human being is unique & has its unique identity. All the Animal, birds, reptiles, water animals of different species and different nature are also a form of art.

It is the creator of the universe who created the nature, human beings.

I am spellbound with this creation of god.

I am attaching some pictures in which I can see art.

Aurora is a natural example of art in which it seems that a painter has flaunted colors on the canvas.


God gifted us “The Mother nature” which should be preserved by all of us.
But people have spoiled “The Mother nature” just for their selfish desires of earning more money from it.

Art is in the Indian Culture

I belong to India, I can see art in in our culture, traditions, religions, food, music, dance, architechure.

As the Indian Culture is so diverse that one blog is insufficient, some of the websites which you can check are below:-

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